Interesting Facts


1-Ravens are highly intelligent

As a part of the corvid bird family, which includes crows, ravens are large black birds with brains relatively big for their size. However, one difference between ravens and crows (other than the raven’s larger size) is that ravens are more intelligent. Nonetheless, all members of the corvid family have been known to craft and use tools, plan for the future, barter, and even play games like hide-and-seek. 


2- Ravens can mimic human voices

In fact, they are often even better at it than parrots! These intelligent birds can also mimic animal and bird calls as well as various “manmade” sounds like a toilet flushing or a car starting.

3-Ravens love to play.

Ravens have been observed in Alaska and Canada using snow-covered roofs as slides. In Maine, they have been seen rolling down snowy hills. They often play keep-away with other animals like wolves, otters, and dogs. Ravens even make toys—a rare animal behavior—by using sticks, pinecones, golf balls, or rocks to play with each other or by themselves. And sometimes they just taunt or mock other creatures because it’s funny.
